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Providing Everything You Need

Apple Orchard


Our team offers a complete package to develop a fruitful and profitable orchard, starting from design, planting, technical inputs and maintenance services. We believe that orchards are an investment for the future and should therefore be established with care and the right expertise so that they produce healthy and bountiful harvests year after year.
The correct planning and planting of a new orchard specially in the mountainous regions of our country, is crucial to avoid costly mistakes and wastage of time. The continued healthy growth of the trees, maximization of  production and yields, optimum capital investment and efficient ongoing management is the goal of all orchardists. Due to unavailability of  professional assistance at the right time, many farms become unprofitable and their owners give up due to the frustration of running an unviable orchard.

Farm Stay

The Nest is our family’s initiative which grew from the desire to share our simple, farm life with others. The idea is offer an opportunity to others to enjoy a few days of living in tune with nature and feel the farm experience.

Comfortable accommodation is offered in four aesthetically designed, wood paneled rooms constructed in the traditional stone and mud style, typical of the Himalayas. Two single rooms and one family set are available on prior booking. Each room is spacious and well furnished, with attached bathrooms and overlooks our high density apple orchard. Far beyond are the spectacular views of Pangna and its rolling mountains.



It is important to disseminate information about new technologies so that the farmers are able to make use of the latest developments. There also exists a gap between research findings and the needs of farmers. For technology to be successful, it is important that it should serve a useful purpose to the end user. So we are continuously trying to bridge the gap between farmers and horticultural research scientists. This is why training is an integral part of our farm activity. We have developed this orchard to serve as a platform to transmit the latest technical know-how to apple growers through a practical approach . Besides this, KNFARM also focuses on enhancing farmers' knowledge about crop techniques and helping them to increase productivity. This is done through training courses, farm visits and on farm trials. We have short and long term training courses to suit your convenience.

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